Thursday, October 3, 2013


 Every now and then you stumble on a recipe that’s not just fantastic, but a true show stopping, award winning one!  In fact, this recipe did just that!

A co-worker of mine recently attended a wedding in Traverse City, Michigan, at which was a PIE CONTEST!!  After some conspiratorial conversations, giggle laced scheming, and a late night of baking a pie that would travel a 364 mile trip from Chicago to the Northern reaches of Michigan, it’s my pleasure to bring to you the Reader’s Piegest’s (and the baker’s VERY FIRST) Award Winning Caramel Apple Pecan Pie!

For Crust:
·         1 ½ Cups  Voortman’s “Windmill” Spice Cookies, Crushed
·         1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
·         6 Tbs. Butter, Melted
·         ½ tsp. Cinnamon
·         10 Caramel Squares, Cut in Quarters

For Filling:
·         2 Golden Delicious Apples, Sliced
·         2 Granny Smith Apples, Sliced
·         1/2 Cup Light Brown Sugar
·         1 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
·         2 Tbs.  Sugar
·         1 Tbs.  Cornstarch
·         1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
·         1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

For Pecan Crum & Caramel Topping:
·         3/4 Cup Flour
·         3/4 Cup Pecan Halves
·         1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
·         1/4 tsp. Salt
·         9 Tbs. Unsalted Butter, Cut in Small Pieces
·         25 Caramel Squares
·         1 Handful of Pecan Halves
·         1/2 Cup Pecan Halves, Chopped


For Crust:
Preheat oven to 375.  Mix your cookie crumbs, sugar, cinnamon, and melted butter until well blended.  Grease or spray with cooking spray a 9-inch pie plate.   Press mixture into pie plate.  Bake for 5-7 minutes.

Take 10 caramel squares and cut into 4 pieces each.  Lay caramel pieces into bottom of pie crust.  Put pie crust into freezer while filling is being made.

For Pie Filling:
Preheat your oven to 400.  Peel and core your apples.  Mix your apple slices, brown sugar, and lemon juice well.  Set aside for 5 – 7 minutes. 

In a separate bowl, mix your sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, and vanilla.  Mix well, and add to your sugared apples.  Mix apples and spice mixture.

Remove pie crust from freezer, and add your spiced apple mixture.  Bake for 30 minutes.

For Crumb Topping:
In a food processor, combine your flour, pecan halves, sugar, salt, and butter.  Pulse a couple of times until mixture is well blended, and fairly gravel-like.  Refrigerate crumbs until pie is ready.

Reduce temperature of oven to 375.  Pour crumbs over top of entire pie, smoothing to edges, and tamping down.  Return to oven for another 30-40minutes.  Cover pie crust edges with pie shield or tin foil for the last 10-15 minutes to avoid overbrowning. 

Allow pie to cool for 1 Hour.  At nearly the 1 hour mark, and pie is still warm, prepare your caramel topping.

For Caramel Topping:
In a double-boiler, or in a heavy bottomed sauce pan, combine your caramel pieces, butter, and a little water (apple juice or cider may be substituted).  Melt butter and caramel mixture, stirring constantly until fully melted.  Remove from heat, and whisk mixture until smooth.

Drizzle melted caramel sauce over pie.  Carefully place pecan halves decoratively around the outside pie edge and at center in star-shape.  Sprinkle crushed pecans over caramel.  Allow to set for 10 minutes.  Drizzle remaining caramel over the pecans.

Allow to sit for 1 hour before serving.


  1. Hi Brian my friend/co-worker Mary Warren showed me this recipe for your pie and I would love one for my birthday on Friday October 18. :) Looks amazing!!! BTW I am turning 30.

  2. Tiffany, WELCOME! So glad you've stopped by to check out The Reader's Piegest! We like to think our pies are the perfect way to celebrate any occasion, but what an even MORE special way to celebrate a milestone Birthday! Wishing you MANY Happy Returns on your 30th, and many more to come!!
