Thursday, October 3, 2013



We as a human race owe a great deal to the Greeks:  Democracy, The Olympic Games, Literature, Theatre, Philosophy, and Some Amazing Food, just to name a few.  I’ve had the pleasure of having several facets of my life enriched by the contributions of several of these amazing people.

In the professional world, I have had the pleasure of working side by side with an amazing administrative assistant who, single handedly, could probably run the world, if she had the time.  I’ve worked under the kind guidance and passionately enthusiastic nature of a woman who taught me nearly everything she knew about sewing machines.

In the world of academia, I’ve had the great fortune to have had several of my formative years overseen and carefully directed by a dedicated principal, a truly compassionate student teacher with a specialty in storytelling, and remarkable college professor who encouraged me to push past my own status quo for more.

On the personal sphere, I count myself incredibly blessed by several amazing Greeks.  A woman I call “sister-in-law” with limitless bounds of her talent, heart, and will scrapbook or embroider you under the table without flinching.  A gentleman who is as generous of spirit and heart as he is about all things Elizabethan military history, and equally so with sharing it as a teacher and coach.  And finally, a man that I have the honor of calling my friend, who I carried a pike in his absence for and carry in my heart daily while he defends our country. 

At the table of life, we banquet with the best.  So, raise your glass, shout OPA!!, and enjoy this fantastic quiche made of some Greek favorites:  spinach, feta, and Kalamata olives.  καλή όρεξη!!

·         8 Sheets Frozen Filo Pastry, Thawed

·         1 Cup Baby Spinach
·         1 Tbs. Olive Oil
·         1 ½ tsp. Minced Garlic
·         1 Cup  Feta Cheese
·         ½ Cup Kalamata Olives
·         ½ Cup Half-and-Half
·         2 Large Eggs
·         Salt and Pepper

Place Filo sheets on a sheet of waxed paper or parchment on your counter top and cover with a clean, damp towel.  Place 1 Filo sheet into your pie plate, covering the bottom and angling up the sides, allowing any excess Filo to extend over the edges.  Lightly spray the Filo with cooking spray.  Repeat this process with 6 – 7 more layers of Filo sheets, alternating the direction of your sheets to ensure the pie plate bottom and sides are completely covered.

For the filling, cook the spinach in a large frying pan with the olive oil and garlic for 2-3 minutes, until it softens.  Place the spinach in a sieve and press out any extra water.  Set aside to cool.

Once the spinach is cool, puree it in a blender with the olives, feta cheese, half-and-half, and eggs until the mixture is smooth.  Season well with salt and pepper.

Carefully pour the filling into the pie shell.  Sprinkle the top of the pie with feta cheese.  Bake for 45 minutes until the mixture has just set.  Set aside for 15 minutes before serving.

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