Sunday, December 7, 2014


Alright.  I'll admit it.  Right here.  In black and white.  I'm a big fan of the book Little Women, by mid-nineteenth century author Louisa May Alcott.  I've inhaled and own an original copy of the book, I've seen several of the movie versions made, own the soundtracks from the 1997 film version and the Broadway musical.  I've named a fundraising pie venture "Orchard House Pie Company, after the Concord, Massachusetts home the March (Alcott) family shared.  Despite having never visited the home, I've always felt a strong connection to the story, its characters, and message the book offers regarding the importance of family and the process in finding yourself in life.

Admittedly, one of my favorite characters in Little Women is the youngest of the four March sisters, Amy.  In a particular passage of the book, Amy March is given some small amount of pocket money in which she spends on 24 limes to treat her friends at school.  The circumstance, pardon the expression, turns sour for her, and she ends up without any of them as she is found out by her teacher and the limes are put out into the snow.  I'll not spoil the book for those who haven't read it, and I'll simply encourage you to pick it up and enjoy it at your leisure.  Instead, let is suffice to say that my hope is that you'll enjoy this pie as much as Amy March enjoyed her limes!

·         5 Tbs. Butter, Melted
·         1 ½ Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
·         ½ Cup Chopped Pecans

·         1 14 Oz. Can Condensed Mil
·         1 Cup of Lime Juice
·         1 Tbs. Grated Lime Zest
·         2 Egg Yolks
·         1 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream

·         1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
·         2 Tbs. Powdered Sugar


Heat oven to 350 degrees.  In a mixing bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and chopped pecans.  Continue to mix until all is thoroughly coated.  Spray mixture into a baking sprayed pie plate and press to bottom and edges evenly.  Bake in oven for 7 – 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool thoroughly.

In a mixing bowl, combine milk, lime juice, and 1 Tbs. of lime zest.  Blend in beaten egg yolks.  Mix completely and set aside. 

In a separate bowl, take your heavy cream and whip to heavy peaks.  Begin blending your lime filling into the whipping cream a little at a time until all is combined.  Pour the filling into your crust and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

While pie sets, begin whipping your heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.  With your whipped cream, either serve separately with your pie, spread over the top, or decorate with a pastry bag & tip.

Garnish with additional lime zest, thinly sliced pieces, or twists around the edge.


Special occasions call for truly special desserts!  What I love about baking pies is that the final result can, and inevitably gets shared with friends and loved ones.  This past weekend, I had the opportunity to share not only a fantastic pie, but for a fantastic occasion with two friends at their wedding.  As a special honor, I had the opportunity to share not one, but TWO of the Groom's favorite pies as a replacement of a "Groom's Cake."  I'm pleased report that I left the reception with both pie plates empty, which should say a little something about how good these pies were.


·         5 Tbs. Butter, Melted
·         1 ½ Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
·         ½ Cup Chopped Pecans

·         1 Cup Sugar
·         ¼ Cup Cornstarch
·         ½ tsp. Salt
·         3 Cups 2% Milk
·         2 Eggs, Slightly Beaten
·         3 Tbs. Butter
·         1 ½ tsp. Vanilla Extract
·         6 large Bananas
·         2 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream


Heat oven to 350 degrees.  In a mixing bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and chopped pecans.  Continue to mix until all is thoroughly coated.  Spray mixture into a baking sprayed pie plate and press to bottom and edges evenly.  Bake in oven for 7 – 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool thoroughly.

In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, salt and milk until smooth.  Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and slightly bubbly.  Reduce heat  and cook for and additional 2 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Stir a small amount of the hot filling into your beaten eggs, stirring quickly to prevent eggs from cooking completely.  Pour egg mixture back into sauce pan and mix.  Bring to a gentle boil, and cook for another 1-2 minutes, stirring continuously.

Remove pan from heat.  Carefully stir in butter and vanilla.  While the mixture is still hot, cover with plastic wrap over custard and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

While custard is cooling, slice 6 larges bananas and set aside.  With a mixer, begin whipping your heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.  Set half of the mixture aside for covering the pie, the other half will be used for piping or decoration. 

**NOTE:  If you are content with simply a single top covering of cream, only use 1 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream.

Alternating layers, fill your pie crust with custard, followed by a layer with bananas.  Repeat the process until custard mixture has been completely used, reserving some banana slices for the topping.  Return to refrigerator for 45 minutes to completely cool. 

Once completely cooled, spread whipped cream over top in a smooth and even layer directly to pie crust edges.  With a pastry bag and piping tip, alternate in a circle around the pie of circles of whipped cream and banana slices.  Return to refrigerator for 6 hours to overnight.

Sunday, November 30, 2014



Once the dust has settled from your family Thanksgiving Holiday Feast, the dishes have been washed and put away, the kitchen cleaned, and everyone running off to their own pursuits of time - Black Friday shopping, football games, incredible post-meal naps, etc. - there's always that one lingering thought that most all cooks face:  "What Do I Do With All These Leftovers?!?"

Well, my cooking friends?  We've all been there as we clean up the turkey carcass and start putting away the leftovers from the BIG MEAL.  Good and enterprising cooks will immediately start to think of the opportunities for Turkey Noodle Soup or Turkey Tetrazini options.  However, here's a new and different option for you to incorportate not just your turkey leftovers, but hopefully give a different option to your stuffing or dressing left overs as well!


·         1 Tbs. Butter
·         1 ¼ Cups Chicken Stock or Broth
·         2 Cups Stuffing Mix

·         2 Tablespoon Olive Oil
·         2 Cloves of Garlic, Minced
·         3 Cups Shreaded or Chopped Turkey, Pre-Cooked
·         1 Red Onion
·         3 Carrots, Peeled and Diced
·         1/2 Cup Peas
·         1 1/2 Cups Chicken Stock
·         1 tsp. Oregano
·         1 tsp. Salt
·         1 tsp. Black Pepper
·         2 Tbs.  Butter
·         1/4 Cup Flour
·         Dash of Milk

Preheat Oven to 400 degrees.  Spray your pie plate with baking spray.
In a medium sauce pan, bring your chicken stock to a boil.  Add 2 cups of stuffing mix, stirring until mixture is completely covered.  Remove from heat, cover, and allow to stand for 5 minutes.  Add butter, and stir until completely melted.  Allow mixture to cool completely.
Spoon cooled stuffing mixture into your baking sprayed pie plate.  Press stuffing mixture firmly to edges and bottom as you would with a crumb-style crust.  Refrigerate until ready to use.

In a mixing bowl, salt and pepper your turkey pieces. 

In a separate pan on medium heat sautee you garlic and onions until onions are clear.  Transfer mixture into bowl with turkey.  Stir together and return to pan to cook for a few minutes on medium heat.  Stir in carrots and oregano.
Add  chicken stock and bring temperature up to medium high, to a slow boil and then reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.  Stir as needed.

In a separate saucepan, combine 2 Tbs. butter to about 1/4 cup of flour.  Heat the butter on a low heat and gradually whisk in flour, keeping on low heat until well mixed.  Add mixture to the turkey and stir until well combined and sauce begins to thicken.  Increase heat if needed.  Once thickened, add a good splash of milk and stir.
Add your peas and season with a pinch of
extra salt, pepper, herbs etc. if desired.  If not thick enough you can add a bit more roux, if too thick add a bit more chicken stock.

Remove pie crust from refrigerator and fill with turkey filling. 

Bake for 15 – 20 minutes, or until filling is bubbly on top and stuffing is browned on top edges.



Thanksgiving is one of those fantastic holidays to pause an reflect on the wonderful blessings we've received throughout the year.  Be they opportunities, lessons to learn, time to enjoy things we love, or people who enrich our lives, there's always something to be grateful for.  In my life, I'm blessed to have many people that share my love of many things - particularly FOOD!  So, as this holiday season begins, I wanted to say particular thanks to my wonderful friend Deanna Roberts of Indiana who shared this amazing recipe with me that is a sure-fire hit for your Thanksgiving and Holidays-to-Come table!

White Chocolate, Cranberry & Port Cheesecake Pie:
(From Deanna Roberts – Originally from Susan Cleveland of Ontario, Canada)

*  2 Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
*  1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
*  4 Tbs. Unsalted Butter, Melted

*  1/2 Medium Seedless Orange With Peel, Coarsely Chopped
*  2 Cups Fresh (or Frozen & Thawed) Cranberries
*  1 Cup Sugar
*  1/3 Cup Port Wine (or cranberry juice)
*  1 Tbs. Raisins (or Currants)
*  1 Tbs. Walnuts, Chopped

*  1 8-Oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese, Softened
*  1/2 Cup White Chocolate Shavings
*  1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
*  1/4 Cup Sugar
*  2 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream

Using a food processor, reduce your graham crackers to crumbs.  Pour crumbs into a large mixing bowl and combine with your brown sugar and melted butter.  Stir until all crumbs are moistened.  Press crumb mixture into pie plate and refrigerate until ready to fill.
Place orange with peel in food processor (or chop by hand).  Pulse until finely chopped.  Place orange mixture in medium saucepan.  Add cranberries, 1 cup sugar, port and raisins; cook over medium heat 15 to 18 minutes or until cranberries begin to pop and mixture starts to thicken.  Remove from heat; stir in walnuts. Pour into medium bowl; refrigerate until cool.

In large bowl, beat cream cheese, white chocolate shavings, sugar, and vanilla at medium speed until creamy and blended.  Gradually beat in cream until soft peaks form.  Fold in 1/2 cup of the cooled cranberry mixture. Pour into pie crust.  Spoon remaining cranberry mixture over top, if desired.
 Refrigerate at least 6 hours or overnight.

Monday, November 17, 2014



There's really something almost indescribable about the taste of freshly baked acorn squash.  The rich, velvety texture of fully cooked squash as it peels away from the shell with your fork.  The delicious, almost sinful taste of the brown sugar and butter you fill the scraped out center with.  The smile of satisfaction once you've enjoyed it on its own or as an accompaniment to your favorite meal.  I can still remember the smell of my mother's kitchen when she would make these, usually accompanying pork chops for a Sunday dinner.  You never quite lose that sensory memory.  And once you have that first bite, you're hooked.

Acorn squash is one of those wonderful treats of fall that truly not only makes a meal, but allows you to enjoy it without as much hastle as some of its root vegetable and gourd family members require.  There are some that even claim that acorn squash is in many ways better for baking and cooking than pumpkins are.  Where this recipe is concerned, I would tend to agree.  So, put on a fresh pot of coffee and some music you enjoy, and give this one a shot!  It's a great treat, and a unique twist on an old familiar favorite!
·         1 ½ Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
·         1/3 Cup Sugar
·         6 Tbs. Butter, Melted

·         2 Eggs
·         ¾ Cup Brown Sugar
·         1 12 Oz. Can of Evaporated Milk
·         ½ tsp. Salt
·         ½ tsp. Ground Ginger
·         1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
·         ¼ tsp. Ground Cloves


·         6 Egg Whites, Room Temperature
·         3 ½ Cups of Marshmallow Crème

For Crust:
Preheat your oven to 350*.  Spray your pie plate with baking spray.
In a large bowl, mix your graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter until all crumbs are thoroughly coated.  Pour into your pie plate and press firmly against the bottom and edges.  Bake crust for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and let cool.
For Filling:
Cut your acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds.  Place acorn squash face down on a baking sheet.  Cook in oven for 60 minutes or until it is soft when poked with a fork.  Remove from oven and allow it to cool.

Once cooled completely, scoop out squash with a spoon until squash shell is completely clean.  Measure 2 cups of cooked squash into a mixing bowl.  Add eggs, brown sugar, evaporated milk, salt and spices.  Mix all ingredients  until fully combined.  Pour mixture into pie shell.

Bake in oven for 60 minutes.  Center may still be a bit jiggly, but will solidify as cools.  Allow to cool fully before topping meringue.

For Meringue:
Beat room temperature egg whites (you can do this and have it ready while pie is baking) with a mixer in a clean metal or glass bowl until soft peaks form.  Gradually add marshmallow creme and continue beating until stiff peaks form, 5-7 minutes more.

Spread meringue over pie all the way to edges so the meringue doesn’t shrink. (Beads of liquid often form on meringue.  To avoid “weeping” spread the meringue on the pie while the filling is hot, then brown it.) 

Using the back of a spoon, form peaks from the meringue.  Return pie to the oven and bake 7- 10 minutes or until topping is golden, rotating for even browning.  Watch the pie carefully at this point, as the meringue can burn easily.

Cool pie to room temperature and place in the fridge over night before serving.



I've never made a secret of my love of all things hot and spicy, and when I fell on this wonderful recipe I knew one day I'd have to try it.  After a recent conversation with an amazing friend of mine regarding upcoming cooking projects, the topic turned to chili.  I felt particularly inspired to give this recipe a try for no other reason than, as said friend said "Because....Chili!!"  Honestly, what other reason DO you need?

For those who are perhaps new to the world of chili, let me explain a few fundamentals for you.  First, be aware that what you are perhaps accustomed to eating isn't REALLY chili.  No, really.  The canned variety you put on cheese fries, hot dogs, or mix with a brick of Velvetta or Philadelphia Cream Cheese to make a dip.  Chili is a sophisticated, multifaceted dish that can range on the spectrum from being a fantasticly filling meal on its own to being a 5 (or 8) alarm blaze in your mouth on the flavor and spice factor. 

At its root, chili (or the proper term:  Chili Con Carne) is a mixture of slow stewed meat - commonly beef, chicken, or chorizo sausage - that has been combined with tomatoes, onions, kidney beans, and spiced to the individual cook's preference.  The TRUE secret is in the cooking time and temperature.  Most all cooks will keep their spice blends, cooking times, and temperatures as fairly closely guarded secrets.  However...without giving away anyone's trade secrets, a full pot will usually go well if left on a slow simmer on your stove top for a few hours.  Each cook has his own secrets, and I'll leave it to you to come up with your own individual best method for your own perfect chili.

**COOK'S NOTE:  Regardless of suggestion of allowing the chili to stand for 1-2 days, this recipe is equally as good directly out of the pot and into your pie. 

·         1 Cup Flour
·         ½ Cup Yellow Corn Meal
·         1 Stick Butter
·         1/3 Cup Water
·         2 Tbs. Sugar
·         1 tsp. Salt

·         2 Oz. Dried Ancho Chiles (4 Large), Stemmed and Seeded
·         6 Large Garlic Cloves, 3 of them Finely Chopped
·         1 Tbs. Salt
·         1 1/2 Tbs. Ground Cumin
·         1 1/2 Tbs. Chili Powder
·         1 ½ Tbs. Ghost Pepper
·         4 Lbs. Beef Brisket (or Boneless Chuck), Trimmed and Cut into 1 1/2- to 2-inch pieces
·         3 to 4 Tbs. Vegetable Oil
·         1 (28- to 32-oz) Can Whole Tomatoes in Juice
·         1/4 Cup Canned Chipotle Chiles in Adobo
·         1/2 Cup Cilantro, Coarsely Chopped
·         4 Cups White Onions, Chopped
·         1 Tbs. Dried Oregano (Preferably Mexican), Crumbled
·         1 to 4 Fresh Serrano (or Other Small Green Chiles), Finely Chopped and Including Seeds
·         1 12-Oz. Bottle “Doz Equis” Beer
·         2 Cups Water
·         2 1/2 Cups Cooked Pinto Beans (Rinsed if Canned)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
Mix all the ingredients.  It will take a lot of working the mixture together with your hands and some kneading.
Spread flour on your surface liberally, and roll the dough out with a rolling pin.  Split it in half, and you're now ready to put it in your pie dish.  Add all your ingredients inside the crust
Bake filled for about 45 minutes.

Soak ancho chiles in hot water to cover until softened, about 30 minutes. Drain well.
While chiles soak, mince 1 whole garlic clove and mash to a paste with 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon cumin, and 1/2 tablespoon chili powder. Pat beef dry and toss with spice mixture in a large bowl until coated.

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a wide 6- to 7-quart heavy pot over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then brown beef in 3 or 4 batches, without crowding, turning occasionally, about 5 minutes per batch (lower heat as needed; spice mixture burns easily). Transfer beef as browned to another bowl. (Do not clean pot.)

Purée anchos in a blender along with tomatoes (including juice), chipotles in adobo, cilantro, remaining 2 whole garlic cloves, and remaining 1/2 tablespoon salt until smooth.

Add enough oil to fit in pot to total 3 tablespoons, then cook onions and chopped garlic over moderate heat, stirring and scraping up brown bits from beef, until softened, 8 to 10 minutes. Add oregano, remaining tablespoon cumin, and remaining tablespoon chili powder and cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Add chile purée and 1 chopped serrano and simmer, stirring, 5 minutes. Stir in beer, water, and beef along with any juices accumulated in bowl and gently simmer, partially covered, stirring occasionally and checking often to make
sure chili is not scorching, 2 hours.

Taste sauce, then add more serrano if desired and continue to simmer, partially covered, until beef is very tender and sauce is slightly thickened, 1 to 2 hours more. (If chili becomes very thick before meat is tender,
thin with water as needed.)

Coarsely shred meat (still in pot) with 2 forks and cool chili completely, uncovered, then chill, covered, 1 to 2 days to allow flavors to develop.

Reheat over low heat, partially covered, stirring occasionally, until hot, about 30 minutes. Add beans (if using) and simmer, stirring, 5 minutes.

Fill pie crust with chili filling and bake for 45minutes.  Top with cubed avocado; sliced black olives, chopped white onion, shredded Cheddar, chopped fresh cilantro, and sour cream,

Monday, November 10, 2014



With Thanksgiving around the corner, a tabletop staple and holiday favorite is pumpkin pie.  There are virtually hundreds of recipes and variations on this traditional pie, but every now and again, it's nice to explore options to bring to your celebration.  This new recipe came to me courtesy of a friend of mine in Michigan who shared a link from the website MLIVE.Com.  An Ann Arbor, Michigan baker decided to take a fun and innovative twist in her own pursuit of not only the perfect pumpkin pie, but also a way to perk up the time honored dish.  Thanks to Jessica Webster at MLIVE.Com for this great new recipe that's not only easy to throw together, but delicious as well!
Bourbon Maple Pumpkin Pie

·         1 Cup Real Maple Syrup
·         1 15 Oz.  Can Pumpkin Puree
·         1 tsp.  Cinnamon
·         1 tsp.  Ground Ginger
·         ¼ tsp.  Ground Cloves
·         1/2 tsp. Salt
·         3/4 Cup Heavy Cream
·         1/2 Cup Milk
·         2 Tbs.  Bourbon
·         2 Large Eggs
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.
In a 3-quart heavy saucepan over medium heat, bring maple syrup to a gentle boil for three or four minutes, then let cool for ten minutes.
In a large bowl, whisk together pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves, salt, cream, milk, bourbon and eggs, then whisk in cooled maple syrup.
Pour filling into prepared crust. If you have filling left over when the crust is at capacity, you can pour the rest in a ramekin and bake it along with the pie.
Bake pie in middle of oven 60 to 70 minutes, or until filling is set but center still shakes slightly. (The filling will continue to set as the pie cools.) Transfer pie to a rack to cool completely. Serve at room temperature. Keeps for two to three days, covered and refrigerated.