Monday, November 10, 2014



With Thanksgiving around the corner, a tabletop staple and holiday favorite is pumpkin pie.  There are virtually hundreds of recipes and variations on this traditional pie, but every now and again, it's nice to explore options to bring to your celebration.  This new recipe came to me courtesy of a friend of mine in Michigan who shared a link from the website MLIVE.Com.  An Ann Arbor, Michigan baker decided to take a fun and innovative twist in her own pursuit of not only the perfect pumpkin pie, but also a way to perk up the time honored dish.  Thanks to Jessica Webster at MLIVE.Com for this great new recipe that's not only easy to throw together, but delicious as well!
Bourbon Maple Pumpkin Pie

·         1 Cup Real Maple Syrup
·         1 15 Oz.  Can Pumpkin Puree
·         1 tsp.  Cinnamon
·         1 tsp.  Ground Ginger
·         ¼ tsp.  Ground Cloves
·         1/2 tsp. Salt
·         3/4 Cup Heavy Cream
·         1/2 Cup Milk
·         2 Tbs.  Bourbon
·         2 Large Eggs
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.
In a 3-quart heavy saucepan over medium heat, bring maple syrup to a gentle boil for three or four minutes, then let cool for ten minutes.
In a large bowl, whisk together pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves, salt, cream, milk, bourbon and eggs, then whisk in cooled maple syrup.
Pour filling into prepared crust. If you have filling left over when the crust is at capacity, you can pour the rest in a ramekin and bake it along with the pie.
Bake pie in middle of oven 60 to 70 minutes, or until filling is set but center still shakes slightly. (The filling will continue to set as the pie cools.) Transfer pie to a rack to cool completely. Serve at room temperature. Keeps for two to three days, covered and refrigerated.

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