Sunday, November 30, 2014



Thanksgiving is one of those fantastic holidays to pause an reflect on the wonderful blessings we've received throughout the year.  Be they opportunities, lessons to learn, time to enjoy things we love, or people who enrich our lives, there's always something to be grateful for.  In my life, I'm blessed to have many people that share my love of many things - particularly FOOD!  So, as this holiday season begins, I wanted to say particular thanks to my wonderful friend Deanna Roberts of Indiana who shared this amazing recipe with me that is a sure-fire hit for your Thanksgiving and Holidays-to-Come table!

White Chocolate, Cranberry & Port Cheesecake Pie:
(From Deanna Roberts – Originally from Susan Cleveland of Ontario, Canada)

*  2 Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
*  1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
*  4 Tbs. Unsalted Butter, Melted

*  1/2 Medium Seedless Orange With Peel, Coarsely Chopped
*  2 Cups Fresh (or Frozen & Thawed) Cranberries
*  1 Cup Sugar
*  1/3 Cup Port Wine (or cranberry juice)
*  1 Tbs. Raisins (or Currants)
*  1 Tbs. Walnuts, Chopped

*  1 8-Oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese, Softened
*  1/2 Cup White Chocolate Shavings
*  1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
*  1/4 Cup Sugar
*  2 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream

Using a food processor, reduce your graham crackers to crumbs.  Pour crumbs into a large mixing bowl and combine with your brown sugar and melted butter.  Stir until all crumbs are moistened.  Press crumb mixture into pie plate and refrigerate until ready to fill.
Place orange with peel in food processor (or chop by hand).  Pulse until finely chopped.  Place orange mixture in medium saucepan.  Add cranberries, 1 cup sugar, port and raisins; cook over medium heat 15 to 18 minutes or until cranberries begin to pop and mixture starts to thicken.  Remove from heat; stir in walnuts. Pour into medium bowl; refrigerate until cool.

In large bowl, beat cream cheese, white chocolate shavings, sugar, and vanilla at medium speed until creamy and blended.  Gradually beat in cream until soft peaks form.  Fold in 1/2 cup of the cooled cranberry mixture. Pour into pie crust.  Spoon remaining cranberry mixture over top, if desired.
 Refrigerate at least 6 hours or overnight.

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