Sunday, August 18, 2013


Continuing on with what seems to be my unintentional “tastes of summer” theme, one of the definite summer memories of many seems to be camping, bonfires, or cook-outs.  Now, despite all the differences of these three activities, the one commonality that seems to hold true is people’s love of S’mores – those delicious, fire-side treats of 2 graham crackers with a piece of milk chocolate and a large flame toasted marshmallow in between.  It’s a very hard flavor to replicate from the real thing, but that was challenge enough to make me look into trying to find a decent alternative that wouldn’t require starting a camp fire.  In my living room.  In August.  Because, let’s face it:  I like my furniture. 
I had the opportunity this past week to get together for a Wednesday night gathering at the beautiful home of one of my dear friends and an incredibly gracious hostess.  Naturally, I had to bring a pie.  So, knowing the company I’d be spending time with, I knew chocolate should be involved.  Let’s just say that this pie was well received, and a few more “choice” names were suggested.  I’ll leave you to imagine what some of the proposed names might have been!
NOTE:  This pie is NOT a slap-together & run out the door pie.  It takes some time, and some special equipment like a candy thermometer for the from-scratch marshmallows.  Be prepared to give this recipe not only some time to prepare, but also a little patience.

·         1 9 inch Graham Cracker Pie Crust  (pre-packaged may be used)

Chocolate Filling:
·         7 Oz. Bittersweet Chocolate (shoot for a 60% Cacao), finely chopped
·         1 Cup Heavy Cream
·         1 Egg, room temperature

Marshmallow Topping:
·         1 tsp. Unflavored Gelatin
·         1/2 Cup Cold Water
·         3/4 Cup Sugar
·         1/4 Cup Light Corn Syrup
·         1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
·         Vegetable oil for greasing

**You Will Need a Candy Thermometer for the Marshmallow Step**

In advance of this recipe, either make or purchase a 9 inch graham cracker pie crust.  If baking one, allow crust to cool thoroughly before using.
Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 350°F. Put chocolate in a large bowl. Bring cream just to a boil in a heavy saucepan, then pour hot cream over chocolate. Let stand 1 minute, then gently whisk until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Gently whisk in egg and a pinch of salt until combined and pour into graham cracker crumb crust (crust will be about half full).
Cover edge of pie with a pie shield or foil and bake until filling is softly set and trembles slightly in center when gently shaken, about 25 minutes. IF the filling appears slightly raised or domed, yet firm, this is also a good sign.  Cool pie to room temperature on a rack (filling will firm as it cools), about 1 hour.
Sprinkle gelatin over 1/4 cup cold water in a large deep heatproof bowl and let stand until softened, about 1 minute.

Stir together sugar, corn syrup, a pinch of salt, and remaining 1/4 cup water in cleaned 1- to 1 1/4-quart heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved, then boil until thermometer registers 260°F, about 6 minutes.
Begin beating water and gelatin mixture with an electric mixer at medium speed, then carefully pour in hot syrup in a slow stream, beating (avoid beaters and side of bowl). When all of syrup is added, increase speed to high and continue beating until mixture is tripled in volume and very thick, about 5 minutes. Add vanilla and beat until combined, then immediately spoon topping onto center of pie filling; it will slowly spread to cover top of pie. Chill, uncovered, 1 hour, then cover loosely with lightly oiled plastic wrap (oiled side down) and chill 3 hours more.
Preheat broiler to medium or high setting.
Transfer pie to a baking sheet. Cover edge of pie with pie shield or foil and broil 3 to 4 inches from heat, rotating pie as necessary, until marshmallow topping is golden brown.   **NOTE:  THIS WILL GO RATHER QUICKLY.  BE SURE TO WATCH PIE CAREFULLY!  Cool pie on a rack 10 minutes.
Slice pie with a large heavy knife dipped in hot water and then dried with a towel before cutting each slice.

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