Saturday, August 24, 2013


GROLL-LICIOUS PIE:  A Low-Carb, Sugar-Free, Non-Fat Tiramisu Pie
Recently, a good friend of mine threw a challenge at me that I found interesting, and naturally had to try.  “How ‘bout a sugar-free, low-carb, non-fat pie?”  Now, knowing my friend and his health regimen and physical fitness activities, I decided to give it a while.  As I was planning it, I was reminded of several other friends who have dietary needs in their lives.  Particularly who have gluten or sugar sensitivities, so I took up the charge for them, too.  What resulted was a pretty amazing little pie that should hopefully prove to be enjoyable across the boards.  Rather you’re keeping weight-conscious and to a diet like South Beach, and are watching your carbohydrate and sugar in-take, or have gluten or sugar sensitivities, give this one a shot!  I think you’ll enjoy it!

Just as a quick pointer, this pie was sweetened with Stevia, a new alternative in the sweetener alternatives offerings.  You’ll note that this recipe calls for a couple notations for “artificial sweetener equivalent to…”.  I’m including the following link to a conversion chart for Stevia for those who wish to use it:

Giving credit where it’s due, the filling recipe was adapted from a fantastic new book that I’m received recently, Enlitened Kosher Cooking, by Nechama Cohen.  Even if you don’t keep Kosher, there are some amazing recipes in this book for those who have sugar sensitivities, diabetes, or hyperglycemia.


·         1 ½ Almond Flour or Meal
·         3 Tbs. Butter, Melted
·         Artificial Sweetener, Equal to 3 Tablespoons.

Heat oven to 350 F. Melt the butter (if the pie pan is microwave safe, melt the butter in it) and mix the ingredients up in the pan and pat into place with your fingertips.

Bake for about 10 minutes until the crust is beginning to brown. After 8 minutes, check every minute or so, because once it starts to brown it goes quickly.


·         4 Oz. Light Whipped Topping
·         Sugar Substitute Equal to 3 Tbs. Sugar, Divided
·         2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
·         1 Cup Neufchatel Cheese, Softened
·         ½ Package of Sugar-Free Vanilla Pudding
·         1 Tbs. Skim Milk (If Needed)

Cherry (Or Fruit of Your Choice):
·         10 Oz. Fresh or Frozen Cherries (Or fruit of your choice)
·         1 Cup Sugar-Free Jam or Preserves (Coordinate or Compliment Fruit of Choice)
Cake Layers:
·         1 Small Sugar-Free Vanilla, Chocolate, or Marble Pound Cake (Gluten Free also acceptable)
·         1 Cup of Coffee, Cold.

·         ½ Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder


Using a mixer, beat the whipped topping.  As it starts to thicken, add the 2-Tablespoon equivalent measurement of sweetener substitute and vanilla extract.  Beat until stiff, refrigerate.

Beat the cheese until smooth, slowly adding the pudding mix and the remaining 1-Tablespoon equivalent measurement of sweetener substitute.  By hand, mix in a third of the prepared whipped topping.  If this mixture is to thick, add some skim milk until when mixed, it has a smooth, creamy texture.  Refrigerate.

Take your fresh or thawed frozen fruit of choice and mix with jam or preserves.  Set aside for use later.

In a mixing bowl, crumble half the pound cake.  Sprinkle crumbles with cold coffee, mixing until slightly soggy, but fully coated.

Take your pie crust, and fill with alternate layers of filling, spreading relatively thin:
·         Fruit
·         Cake
·         Custard
·         Repeat Steps.  Top Layer Should Be Custard

With a wire sieve, dust the top of your pie with the unsweetened cocoa powder.  Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

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